YAG laser capsulotomy is a very low risk procedure but as with cataract surgery, it is important to weigh the risks and possible benefits before deciding to have the surgery. Possible risks or side effects include:
- Increase in floaters.
- Raised intraocular pressure.
- Inflammation.
- Halos/glare.
- Lens damage.
- Retinal tear/detachment.
The procedure
If you wear contact lenses, leading up to your clinic appointment please do not wear:
- soft lenses for one week.
- hard lenses for two weeks.
You can eat and drink as normal before you come in.
Take all your medication as usual unless specifically advised not to.
Please do not wear ANY make-up or face creams whatsoever. This includes all types of facial make-up from mascara to foundation and even lipstick.
YAG capsulotomy is a straightforward and usually takes 10 to 12 minutes. Your whole appointment should take an hour. It is carried out as an outpatient procedure (usually at the same appointment as your assessment) and under topical anaesthetic using eyedrops (an injection not being necessary for most people).
Your consultant will use the YAG laser to create a small hole in the cloudy lens capsule. You will see bright flashes of lights and hear clicks, but it is not painful. The contact lens on the eye will feel strange, sometimes with a little pressure, but should not be painful either. If necessary, it is possible to treat both eyes at the same visit.
You will be able to go home the same day.
Please ensure you have somebody to drive you to and from this appointment as the ophthalmologist cannot properly examine your eyes without dilating your pupils with eyedrops.