You will usually be able to go home on the same day of your operation. Please arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home in a car or order a taxi.
If you have had a general anaesthetic an adult must stay with you for the first 24 hours after your operation as your co-ordination and reasoning may be affected for a short time. Avoid drinking alcohol, operating machinery or signing legal documents for 24 to 48 hours after any operation involving general anaesthetic.
If you feel sick after the operation, please tell the nurse looking after you, as they will give you an injection to help with this.
After the operation, your abdomen will feel sore and uncomfortable, and you will be given painkillers to help relieve the pain. If you are still in pain after going home, continue taking painkillers as advised by the hospital.
The wound will be sealed within five days after which time the dressing may be removed, and you may take a bath or a shower. Make sure you follow the instructions our medical team give you about caring for your wound, hygiene and bathing.
Straining on the toilet because of constipation can cause pain around your wound. You can reduce your risk of constipation by drinking lots of fluids and eating plenty of vegetables, fruit and high-fibre foods, such as brown rice, wholemeal bread and pasta. A mild, over-the-counter laxative may also help.