Mr John Henderson BMedSci (Hons) BMBS FRCS (Urol) FEBU

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Henderson treats NHS and private patients at Tetbury Hospital Trust.

He completed his BMedSci (Hons) in 2002 and BMBS in 2004 at Nottingham University, and higher surgical training at the Oxford School of Surgery. He pursued his subspecialist interests in complex endourology and upper tract minimally invasive surgery through fellowships at the Bristol Urological Institute and Royal Perth Hospital, Australia.

The Urology Foundation (TUF) awarded Mr Henderson a travelling scholarship which he completed in Nepal learning techniques for percutaneous renal access. Other learning opportunities have taken him to France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, America, New Zealand and Australia.

He was appointed as Consultant Urological Surgeon to Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2016. Since his appointment, he has performed the first robotic nephrectomy (kidney removal) and day case HoLEP (laser prostatectomy) in Gloucestershire. The men’s health charity Robocap invited him to be a trustee and he has promoted their work on BBC Radio Gloucester and across social media since.

Mr Henderson has published widely in journals, written book chapters and presented around the world at conferences. He has accepted invitations to chair conference sessions, peer review papers, teach as faculty on courses, and sits on the BAUS arm of the Endourology Society Committee. Mr Henderson has an ongoing interest in research, and recruits patients to clinical trials including RAMPART and PURE. He runs educational evenings for GPs and has written guidelines for the Gloucestershire CCG (clinical commissioning group).

Professional memberships

  • British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS).
  • Royal College Surgeons of England (RCSEng).

Clinical interests

  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Lower urinary tract symptoms.
  • Foreskin/testes disorders.
  • Urinary infections.
  • Raised PSA and prostate cancer.
  • Kidney/bladder/testes/penile cancer.
  • Circumcision.
  • Frenuloplasty.
  • Hydrocele repair.
  • Epididymal cyst excision.
  • Cystoscopy (diagnostic).
  • Cystoscopy and biopsy.
  • Cystodistension.
  • Vasectomy.

NHS patients
Tel: 01666 501792

Private patients
Tel: 01666 501773

GMC number: 6101535